Here are some of the more familiar rolled enchiladas like are served at most Mexican restaurants. A variety of peppers adds depth and complexity to the sauce. The base peppers used in the recipe are strongly recommended for the flavor, but for extra heat just add some habanero, Ghost, or Reaper powder!
- 4 dry Ancho peppers
- 4 dry Numex or Anaheim peppers
- 4 dry Guajillo peppers
- 4 dry Puya peppers
- 1/4 Cup Hatch chile powder
- 2 Cups water
- 2 Cups beef stock
- 2 Tbsp sugar
- 1 Tbsp salt
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp coriander
- 2 Tbsp corn starch mixed into 1/4 cup water (to thicken)
Combine the stock and water in a saucepan. Cut or break the dry peppers into the liquid and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
Remove from heat, blend well and strain. Press as much liquid out as possible. Discard the chile pulp.
Add Hatch chile and other seasonings and bring back to a boil.
Add the corn starch slurry and mix well, allow to thicken, and remove from heat.

- 24 oz. Queso Fresco (or a cheese of your choice)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- corn tortillas (12)
- cooking oil
- sauce
Preheat the oven to 400°.
Grate or crumble the cheese and add the salt so it is well mixed. (I recommend using a food processor.)

Before starting assembly, set up your work station. Heat the oil on medium until it bubbles lightly when a tortilla is dipped in it. Prepare a baking dish by adding a layer of sauce at the bottom. (For 12 enchiladas you will need two 9×9 dishes)
You might want to have a towel ready, this next part gets messy!
For each enchilada:

Lightly fry the tortilla for about 2-4 seconds per side. The goal here is to warm and soften it so that you can roll it easily.
Dip the tortilla in sauce and turn to coat both sides. Using two spatulas, one for frying and one for sauce, makes this easier.

Place the tortilla on a plate and put a line of cheese on the bottom third. Fold the bottom over the cheese and continue to roll.
Place the rolled enchilada seam-side down in the baking dish.

When all enchiladas are assembled in the baking dish(es), cover with extra sauce and cheese. Place in oven for 15-20 minutes or until the cheese starts to melt. (If you use Queso Fresco, note that it isn’t much of a melting cheese so it will remain rather chunky.)

Remove from oven. Use a spatula to transfer to plates to serve.
Makes about 12.